James Rudderham
Happy First Show Friday everyone!! This week we were lucky to talk to the amazing James Rudderham about the first show he ever played!
“The first show I ever played was a March break all ages something or other at St. Albans hall in that glorious year of 2008. All local bands. I was 15..
“The Bloodletting played last and that's when I moshed for the first time. Ricochet played and kicked total ass - I looked up to those guys a lot. My cousin Dylan Mombourquette drummed for them at the time and I'm sure he got us on the gig. Much respect.”
“Some guy made fun of me for wearing tight pants.”
“I think it was also Black Tooth Grinn’s first show? But they all played and came off like experienced musicians.”
“We were called Sophisticated Silence. It was Daniel Marsh (RIP), Matt MacLennan, Chris Butler and myself. We joined forces in grade 10 music class- though I knew Matt and Chris forever. I began on guitar (I'm an Ace Frehley worshiper) but became the de facto singer/frontman because I wore tight pants and knew song lyrics. Dan was the first peer I think any of us had who was writing their own songs. We basically followed his lead. So as we were beginning, I only started learning how to do the vocal stylings of our “metalcore” sound, and vocals in general. Never sang ever. Luckily I am an entertainer before musicians or things could have been weird.”
“Our first show I'm sure I was nervous as hell. I don't remember moving around much. I do remember holding awkward stances. My worst memory was turning around to introduce the band and seeing members of my family walk in. they didn't come to many gigs after that”
James has played in many bands over the years including Sophisticated Silence, Moxham Castle, Stepwise, Cap Gun, Frigged and many more!
“Now I'm playing in Trash Brain with 3 of the biggest KISS fans I know. We are currently ruling the world with the release of “Hot as Luv”. I also have a new project with my besties that is all songs I wrote (with Tanner Leudys help) called Debbie's Son.”
“Here's a photo of Sophisticated Silence from my last year of playing shows with a more recent photo of Trash Brain that's 3 years old because I haven't really played shows in a long time.”
It was great getting to talk to James this week! We can't wait to see all that the future brings him! NOw go stream Hot as Luv!! Well see yas soon!