Jesse Rowe
Today we talked to Jesse Rowe about the first show he ever played.
The First show Jesse played was in April of 2018 with his band Foreign Policy. They played with Keith Doom and the Wrecking crew in the back of Atomic Records.
“That went about as expected for anyone's first show; forgot lyrics, fumbled riffs and even stepped on the guitar cable and unplugged it. So basically one of the best days of my teenage life despite that” Jesse said.
Foreign Policy continued to play, even getting first place in our 2018 battle of the bands! Since then Jesse has played many shows with many different bands and you can now mainly see him playing drums in Conductor!
“I was equally having the time of my life and horrified at the same time. It was the show that started it all and is a memory that I'll always cherish.”
It was great talking to Jesse and you can check back in the following weeks to see more people talk about their first show!